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Exercise 1 - Advance Failure Criteria

  1. Create a Schedule named ADVANCED FAILURE.
  2. Create a Job that runs genericp.exe every day.
  • C:\Program Files\OpConxps\MSLSAM\genericp.exe –t 5 –e 500
  1. Create a Null Job that has a Job Dependency on the genericp.exe Job and runs every day.
  2. Set the genericp.exe Job to Finish OK if it completes with a 0 or 500.
  3. Create an Exit Code-based event for the genericp.exe Job to Skip the Null Job if it exits with a 500.
  4. Build the Schedule and verify that the 1st Job exited with a 500 but was listed as Finished OK.
  5. Verify that the 2nd Job was skipped.